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UGC Explores Common Counselling for CUET UG Admissions

The University Grants Commission (UGC) is considering the implementation of a common counselling process for undergraduate admissions based on scores from the Common University Entrance Test (CUET).

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Urvashi Maheshwari
Updated: 3/29/2024, 2:46:00 PM

This initiative aims to streamline the admission process and provide a single window for applicants, similar to existing practices in medical and engineering courses.


Exploring Common Counselling

The UGC has initiated discussions on introducing common counselling for undergraduate admissions, leveraging CUET scores. A committee comprising officials from various universities has been formed to evaluate the feasibility of this proposal. Five renowned universities have been selected to participate in a pilot run to assess the practicality of the concept.

Prospective Implementation Timeline

While the idea of common counselling is under consideration, there is currently no definitive timeline for its implementation. The committee's findings and stakeholder consultations will determine the feasibility and eventual rollout of this initiative. UGC Chairman M Jagadesh Kumar refrained from commenting on the issue, indicating that further deliberation is necessary.

Advantages of Common Counselling

The proposed common counselling system is expected to simplify the admissions process for students. It will enable applicants to submit their preferences through a single portal, eliminating the need to apply separately to multiple universities. This centralized approach aims to enhance efficiency and convenience for both students and educational institutions.

Awaiting Committee's Findings

A panel has been established to conduct an internal pilot study to assess the potential benefits and challenges of implementing common counselling. The findings of this study will play a crucial role in determining the feasibility of the proposal. Any decision regarding the adoption of common counselling will be made following thorough deliberation and stakeholder consultations.

Previous Considerations by UGC

Previously, the UGC had contemplated merging the engineering entrance exam JEE and medical entrance NEET with CUET-UG. However, there has been no significant progress on this plan to date.

The exploration of common counselling for CUET UG admissions reflects the UGC's commitment to enhancing the efficiency and accessibility of the higher education admissions process. As discussions continue and evaluations are conducted, stakeholders await further developments regarding the potential implementation of this initiative.


  • #CUET 2024
  • # counselling
  • # UGC
  • # explore now

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What is UGC considering regarding CUET UG admissions?

UGC is exploring the idea of implementing common counselling for CUET UG admissions.

What is the purpose of common counselling?

The aim is to streamline the admission process and provide a single window for applicants.

Who is evaluating the feasibility of this proposal?

A committee comprising officials from various universities has been tasked with assessing the feasibility.

How many universities are participating in the pilot run?

Five renowned universities have been selected for a pilot run to test the concept.

Is there a definitive timeline for implementation?

No, the timeline depends on the committee's findings and stakeholder consultations


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